Volunteer Training

Did you know, Santiago Elementary PTA has been holding regular meetings since 1974?   Today, we typically raise and spend over $50,000 per year to benefit our students.

We know that meeting motions and paperwork procedures may seem tedious, overwhelming and boring. However, these are the foundation of allowing a group of parent volunteers with diverse backgrounds and opinions to invest fundraised money back into our school and students. We follow the same rules and procedures that all California State PTAs are expected to follow.

Our PTA is a 501c3 nonprofit that operates independently from our school.   School Staff does not have access to our PTA bank accounts. PTA events, activities, and actions to re-invest funds into our school are entirely planned and implemented by volunteers. Without volunteers to take board positions, our PTA would disband and our school would need to depend solely on district funds and small directed donations.  

Group decision making and transparency ensures that:

Every member should:

Executive Board Duties







Vice Presidents

1st VP of Student Services

2nd VP of Parent Services

3rd VP of Ways and Means

Vice President and Project Chair Training

Additional Training Materials (Higher levels of PTA often hold training workshops/events)